sagada philippines hanging coffins
Home » Asia » 7 Beautiful And Bizarre Places In Southeast Asia

7 Beautiful And Bizarre Places In Southeast Asia

Some of these places will make you do a double-take, even when looking at them through your computer screen. But believe me, it’s not any different in person either!

unusual things things to do in southeast asia
Phra nang beach Krabi

Beauty and weirdness are two of my favorite things when mixed with travel! This list is full of weird things to do in Southeast Asia and I definitely plan on seeing more bizarre and beautiful places in the future.

Here Are 7 Beautiful & Bizarre Places In Southeast Asia

Click the image to view the clickable map of beautiful and bizarre places in Southeast Asia

1. Hanging Coffins – Sagada, Philippines

The Hanging Coffins in Sagada, Philippines, yes ACTUAL coffins.

One of the most WTF moments I’ve encountered in my travels..that’s for sure! These coffins perched from the side of the mountain are bizarre, beautiful, creepy, and weird all rolled into one.

To get here you have to walk through the lovely Eco-Valley, a small forested area, and then walk down to the rock at the bottom of the valley.

It’s there on that rock that the precariously hung coffins are located.

Hanging Coffins at the side of the mountain is the creepiest and weirdest thing you can see in Southeast asia
The oddest thing to see in Southeast Asia? Possibly! Hanging Coffins is an honor in the Philippines.

Also, the Sumngan Caves have coffins piled up at the cave’s entrance. Some of the coffins are so old, they are broken. Which means human remains are scattered about. Nothing like seeing a pelvic bone on the side of the path of the cave you’re about to explore.

I highly suggest you pay this collection of bizarre places in Southeast Asia a visit.

2. Bokor Hill – Kampot, Cambodia

The abandoned buildings of Bokor Hill in Kampot, Cambodia are one of the most unusual things to do in Southeast Asia, but worth it 100%.

Bokor Hill Station in monochrome effect in Cambodia
Bokor Hill via Flickr by Photasia

The buildings are time-worn, yet still beautiful in their own eerie way.

I really enjoyed learning about the history of the buildings. The views, also made this trip seriously memorable. Those coastal vistas were beautiful!

Beautiful landscape of Bokor Hill in Cambodia
Bokor Hill via Flickr by Benecee

3. Penis Shrine – Phranang Cave Beach, Railay, Krabi, Thailand

The beautiful beaches are your reason for going to Phranang Beach, but you will be greeted by something other than white sand and blue water. Here, if you can believe it or now, there’s a small cave that holds a…

Wait for it…

Penis shrine! For real, people!

Talking about bizarre places in Southeast Asia, this one might take the cake. Why is this here? It’s supposed to instill luck and fertility and all that other stuff. But at the end of the day, it’s a small cave full of phallic figurines. Totally weird, but also awesome.

A small cave full of phallic figurines is the weirdest thing in the south of Thailand!
Penis shrine! Phranang Cave Beach, Thailand

4. Plain Of Jars – Phonsavan, Laos

You might be wondering what could be weirder than a Penis Shrine, let’s just say at least the shrine has a reason for being there. Instantly the haunting feeling of this place was overwhelming…no way did we wander this barren land of jars for long!

This plain of jars, located in Phonsavan, Laos is probably one of the most unusual things to do in Southeast Asia.  

These random rock jars have no solid history as to why they’re scattered all over these rolling hills. Where did they come from? Why are they here? How many of them are there? ….Why?

Random rock jars scattered all over the rolling hills in Laos is surely an odd site in Southeast Asia
Plain Of Jars, Phonsavan, Laos

Today they say they were used as burial sites, however, plenty of questions still remain unanswered.

5. Buddha Park – Vientiane, Laos

Where to look? There are so many random statues and figures, you can walk around for a few hours, for sure. Hinduism and Buddhism are evident throughout the park. The park is set on a river with Thailand just across the way. This place is full of weird things to see might seem subtle, but there is an unforgettable presence about the place.

Buddha Park is one of the bizarre places in Southeast Asia
Statues and Figures at Buddha Park

6. Fairy Stream And Sand Dunes – Mui Ne, Vietnam

The fairy stream maintains a low-level of water, so low that it looks like you are walking on water when you walk through it. Very cool! All the while these weird white sand rocks follow you along the way. They look like huge melted wax sand candles!

When you get to the end, the sand dunes just don’t belong here. Sand dunes in Vietnam? I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem to fit. It’s certainly one of the most bizarre places I’ve found in Southeast Asia in my opinion.

7. Kawah Ijen – Java, Indonesia

I highly recommend going here if you want something a little dangerous, adventurous, and beautiful. It’s bizarre because how often do you get to hike down into a crater to see blue flames coming out of the ground, in the middle of the night, with other volcanoes surrounding you, and sulfur miners working hard on the scene. NEVER!

See the famous Blue Fire during kawah ijen tour
Kawah Ijen is the mystery of the blue flames…

It’s just so oddly beautiful. The blue flames are spectacular, but the billowing sulfur smoke all around you is foul. Worth it though! After seeing that, you make the climb out of the crater for the stunning views of the green acid lake below and the sunrise from the rim. Talk about weird things to do in Asia, if you make this trip you’ll never forget it.

Tell me about another bizarrely beautiful place to go to? Anywhere in the world! I would love to add it to my list!

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  1. I thought Buddha park was lovely. Sadly I did not visit Pounsavan…but the jars look cool.

  2. Really cooly list. I’ve actually only been to one of these, Bokor Hill in Cambodia. I really enjoyed the moto drive up the hill. I decided to skip both the items from Laos, because they didn’t seem too interesting to me, but next I’m there, I’ll be making stops there.

    1. Yeah! Definitely do those spots in Laos. Honestly, the Buddha park is the only cool thing in Vientiane imo. The Plain of Jars was skipped by many people I’ve met that have been to Laos. I think it’s bc of the long drive….? It seems so much closer on a map ?

  3. What a cool post! I also tend to seek out eccentric experiences on my travels… I love the idea of the abandoned buildings tour!

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